Friday, March 27, 2009

NO is just a small word

Charles said something the other day that made me laugh. He came up to me and in a very serious yet sweet voice, said: "Mommy, No is not a very big's just a "N" and an "O""
He's just learning how to spell, and I guess his logic here is that surely such a small word such as "NO" could not possibly have such a huge impact on his life (i.e.: NO cookies, NO staying up past bedtime etc.) Wow...


Well, it took all week but I finally got the camera out and tried to take a picture of the boys with their new haircuts. Hmm...Charles and Ryan don't like to hold still for long, so half of the pictures were blurry or involved one of the kids poking the other etc. I found a few respectable ones.

Sometimes their hugs still look like they are half strangling eachother. :-)

Doesn't Charles remind you of daddy when he was little? If his haircut was even shorter and slightly redder, they'd look like twins! I think it's the freckles, and maybe the eyes or shape of face. Not really sure.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bedtime stories

The boys are showing off their new pjs and just goofing off before bedtime. They absolutely love storytime! In fact, I often catch them sneaking books into bed when they are supposed to be napping. It doesn't happen so much at bedtime because the lights are off, but at naptime they can still see pretty well, well enough to climb down and get piles and piles of books!!! I think Ryan's favorite part is picking out the next book. He likes to listen to the story too, but will often turn the page before I'm finished reading all of the words.

Our House

We had some rainy days last weekend and I just got carried away with cleaning the house. After all my hard work I decided it was a good time to take a few pictures. The house stayed like this for a good 20 minutes, until the boys woke up from their naps. :-)

Faucet Upgrades

Last weekend we went to Lowe's to buy some lawn fertilizer and ended up also coming home with three new faucets to replace the plastic ones in the bathroom that came with the house and were falling apart. We chose some that went with the rest of the hardware in the bathrooms and that look like they will last a while. It's just a small change, but makes a big difference. The faucet in the kitchen will be next as it now sticks out like a sore thumb. :-)