Seth would point out various houses where his friends used to live and driveways where he played many games of basketball etc. We walked around for an hour and a half and the Ryan barely made it home on his own two feet he was so tired! Both boys had an absolute blast telling everyone who they were. Ryan said "I'm batmaaan!" in the cutest voice and did his best to sound scary, it was so funny.

Charles told everyone that he was not just a jedi and definitely not Luke, but Obi-Wan Kenobi! His lightsaber not only light up but made sounds and really added to his costume. His shirt somehow didn't make it to Seth's parents' house (thanks to Ryan who apparently got into the bag of costume items unbeknownst to me) and so I had to improvise at the very last minute, as his green shirt with a gray hoodie just wasn't doing the trick! In five minutes with an old white t-shirt, some scrap pieces of brown fabric from a left-over sewing project and a folded piece of white linnen type material, I whipped up something that looks almost better than the original tunic that came with his costume. Whew, I saved the day!

I also made Ryan's batman symbol at the last minute with some yellow and black ducktape and looking at a picture from the internet. Not bad! The boys definitely looked like boys this year. We've retired the pumpkin and bumblebee costumes from last year. :-)

I also made Ryan's batman symbol at the last minute with some yellow and black ducktape and looking at a picture from the internet. Not bad! The boys definitely looked like boys this year. We've retired the pumpkin and bumblebee costumes from last year. :-)