Monday, May 18, 2009

Dentist Visit

Caitlyn and Charles both went to the dentist today. Caitlyn needed another sealant and Charles was going for his very first cleaning. I was not allowed to go in to take pictures but I captured a few in the waiting room and outside. Overall the visits went very well. Caitlyn has had sealants before, and she was glad that they didn't have to numb her mouth. Charles did very well. He picked bubble gum flavoring but it wasn't for swallowing, just "slurping it out". The Dentist says that Charles' teeth are perfect and he should never have any tooth decay for the rest of his life. ???? What? His adult teeth haven't even come in yet and his jaw is still growing, I think. Oh well...any dentist or dental hygienists out there who would like to enlighten me?
Here are the kids waiting for their appointment.

Here they all with their clean sparkly smiles!

Charles showing off his goodie bag with a new toothbrush, toothpaste, spiderman sticker and small sand timer for making sure he spends enough time brushing his teeth.

Here is Caitlyn pointing to her new sealant.

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