Well, so far, Amy loves to eat, burp, sleep and dirty diapers. Yep, nothing really exciting to report yet. In fact today, I think she sleept almost the entire day. I often had to wake her up for her feedings and even then, she ate with her eyes closed. About the only time you'll hear her cry is when you change her diaper or outfit. She doesn't like being cold or woken up!
The pediatrician couldn't fit in a visit today, so we have an appoitment for tomorrow instead, and were able to stay at home today. We did fit in a walk around the neighborhood to give mom some excercise and Amy some fresh air and indirect sunlight. We tried out her new stroller and she loved it. She also loves her new bouncy seat that vibrates. Thank you Aunt Leslie and Uncle Nick. With the vibrate on or off, she loves being bundled up and strapped in to the bouncy seat.
Here are some pictures taken today (5 days old), enjoy!

Cute, cute, cute. She reminds me of Cole...She also looks like Charles (I still have a picture of him in my bedroom). I love the cute onesie. I love that it's not just pink or purple--How fun!