Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles!!!

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and I got out the bubbles for the kids to play with out on our deck. At first only Charles and Amy were playing with them, but it didn't take long for Ryan to notice the bubbles floating down to the basement level and see them outside the basement windows. Sure enough, I heard the door open to the outside and Ryan came walking up the stairs to the deck and joined the fun. I was so impressed with all three of the kids. They each have greatly improved their bubble blowing skills. Even Amy had no problems blowing her own bubbles. Many many bubbles floated away over to the neighbor's house that is still being built. The construction workers were pounding away inside, and probably enjoyed seeing the streams of bubbles floating by as they worked.
All three kids playing together on our back deck. Yes, Charles is still in his soccer uniform because according to him it is comfy!
Charles showing his skills at making really big bubbles.
Ryan pointing out a large bubble that he just made!
Ryan blowing lots of smaller bubbles. Notice that he's not standing on the deck floor like everybody else. Typical Ryan, has to be different!
Amy blowing bubbles.
Amy carrying her approved for Amy bubble toys. If the containers are tipped, the bubble solution doesn't come out as with the bottles that you see in the background.


  1. Great pictures, Cara! You captured the fun.

  2. Thanks. I think a lot of the bubble supplies were from you. The large hoops that make the bigger bubbles are a lot of fun.
