Wednesday, November 7, 2012


On Saturday afternoon, from 3pm-6pm, I volunteered at Charles' school's Fall Festival to do face painting. At first they asked me what I charged, and then I told them that I would do it for free as long as they ordered the supplies for me and provided a couple volunteers to help keep brushes clean, collect tickets, etc. while I painted as many faces as I could. Thankfully they also found me another face painter who also brought a friend who was in town and could also paint faces. Wow, so amazingly we had a team of three skilled face painters! And although our line was never extreemly long, we never had any breaks lasting more than a few seconds. Let's just say that I was completely exhausted at the end. We filled up an entire baby wipe box of tickets, I would say that we easily painted over 100 faces. With each face being $3 - $5 in tickets, and the cost of the supplies only being $80, I would say that we helped the school make some money.
I painted Caitlyn's and Amy's faces.
I tried to do something less complicated for Amy in case she didn't want to sit still long enough, but she did great and kept calling it "my paint!"
I also had a few spare seconds to snap a picture of one of my helpers painting a flower. There were so many beautiful faces but I just didn't have time to take any pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny. I was randomly thinking about your face painting skills the other day...someone face painting came up in conversation and I remembered your elaborate works of art. These pictures are actually better than what I remembered! Don't know how you do it.
